Here is a summary of our Zoom Call from 4.8.20.
-Mindfulness- We used this mindfulness graphic to remind ourselves of what we can and cannot control during this pandemic especially as we care for and lead our staff.

-Ideas for Connection– More ideas for connection include: writing hand written letters to staff, hand written notes from teachers to students, sending class pictures to each student and staff members so they have a place to talk about the people they love, send an email with resources for food, bill assistance, unemployment etc to your families, create a Youtube story time or yoga videos, weekly drive-thru packet pick up of planned lessons with materials, live story time online.
-Weekly Set Staff Meetings- With so much changing having a regular set Zoom/ or in person (if center is open still) time is a great way to have a space for staff to ask questions, process, or express concerns.
-Zoom Frequency and Duration- We discussed Zoom class calls and how they are going. Centers vary from a Zoom call a day for each class to one a week, to none. Those that are a few weeks into this noted that after getting through some bumps and a learning curve that teachers and students have been seeing good outcomes from this time. Teachers may need some coaching as this is new territory for them. We also discussed how long the Zoom calls are. They vary between 10-25 minutes per class per day. Additionally, we discussed how long centers plan to continue Zoom Calls. Most are planning to continue through the end of the planned school year, (mid-May.) It seems that the Zoom calls are overall a positive experience for our teachers and students even with the bumps. One noted barrier is families and staff access to technology as many families are now having to share a few devices for work and zoom calls, and some do not have devices for this. Some centers are sending home printed packets of work for these families or filming a YouTube Chanel so families can watch when they are able.
-Zoom Security- We discussed Zoom security concerns. Google Meet is an alternative for those who are not feeling comfortable with Zoom.
-Google Classroom- Another idea is using Google Classroom to upload videos and lesson plans/activities for your family.
-First Things First Scholarships– Great news that all First Things First Scholarships will be honored! There was a survey that went out last week if you are a center that receives these scholarships. Make sure to touch base with your coordinator about how this will work for your site.
-DES Copays- We received confirmation that if your center is closed your famillies do not need to pay their copays. If your center is open co-pays still are due.
-Tax Credits- For schools with a Kindergarten class or older a reminder that Tax Credit donations must be done by April 15th. Send an email to your donor base to let them know and ask them to donate before it expires.
-Supply Needs and Resources from PCHD- The Pima County Health Department is taking on the task of helping to get supplies to those centers who are in need. They also have a list of great resources. Click HERE for more information on applying for supplies. Emily Rebro is our contact and has been very helpful.
-NAEYC Webinar- NAEYC hosted a webinar to better understand SBA Loans. Unfortunately it was full when I tried to join. They will be doing it again in Spanish tomorrow. Go to for more great NAEYC COVID resources.
-NAEYC Week of the Young Child- A reminder that NAEYC is still celebrating the Week of the Young Child. Think of a fun way you can celebrate your students this week. They have some great resources for this at
-ADHS Licensing- Let your licensing worker know if you are closed. They are still open and doing inspections as regularly planned for.
–DES- Let your DES worker know if you are closed as well.
-CCR&R- Let them also know if your status has changed. Also point your parents to their website if you are no longer open so they can find care.
-DES Scholarships- The qualifications for DES Scholarships for families have changed and the threshold for income is now higher. Families can re-apply to get approved.
–United Way– Early childhood Emails have been a great resource.
-Child Care Aware– Also has great emails.
-Conscious Discipline More Resources- Conscious Discipline has released a few more helpful resources including a video from Dr. Becky Bailey reminding us of what is most important- a healthy nurturing environment for children. Additionally they released another story called Shubert and Sophie Stay Home. It is a free resource on their site that helps put a story to this experience for our students and families.
-Arizona Enrichment Centers- The website is up for Arizona Enrichment Centers. If you are still open you can apply to be an Arizona Enrichment Center. As of yesterday there were 285 approved Enrichment centers.
-Enrollment- From our discussion it seems that enrollment continues to be low at most centers.
-And last but not least, Small Business Loans- Many of the centers have applied. It has been a difficult and cumbersome process for most centers. A few centers were able to get applications in. You need to have 12 months payroll available, along with other accounting information to be able to complete your application. Many banks have capped how many loans they are giving and some centers were told they did not apply in time. We encouraged each other that it seems as if persistence is needed to keep trying with your bank (as that is where you are supposed to go first) and possibly other banks to make it happen for your center. Some other centers applied for the EIDL loans. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released a helpful checklist of what to know about the SBA Loans. Contact your bank and accountant for more information. We discussed the possible new bill on the table that might help to refresh some of these funds as well.
-Grant Scholarships- Nohemy Hite shared that she applied for for Grant Scholarships and that it was easy and get got approved. Another great resource to check out. Here is another one she recommended.
Whew! That was a lot. Hope it was helpful. Remember all of our centers are unique so make decisions that make the most sense for your center, your staff and that align with your values.
Hope to see you on our next Zoom call next Wednesday at 2pm. See email for link. Continue to email me any resources and share any findings so I can share with the group. Have a great rest of your week.